The Bookshelf Edit: Surround Yourself with Books You Love

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A bookshelf is a personal space. One that reflects the reader’s interests, preferences, curiosities. Shelves filled with stories that drew their attention, sparked their imagination enough to have found a home within their home. But it is not just about the content of the shelves themselves and the books that reside there. What is often fascinating is the space itself. How are the books organized? A neat and tidy alphabetized system? Or maybe stacks of volumes line the walls and lie scattered on the floor, no longer finding room on overflowing shelves. Continue reading “The Bookshelf Edit: Surround Yourself with Books You Love”

BOOKSHELF| my comfort books.

img_3316“I have a shelf of comfort books, which I read when the world closes in on me or something untoward happens.”

There are a number of reasons we gravitate towards certain books.  Something appeals, something clicks, something draws us in.  Certain books we end up going back to because they take us back to a certain time or a different world, or they make us smile and laugh.  Each in its own way brings us some form of comfort.  These are the books on my shelf that I would consider my comfort books: Continue reading “BOOKSHELF| my comfort books.”